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About Me

Hi! I’m Paige- the creator behind Five Horizon. My goal here is to inspire you to take the leap; whatever that may look like for you: quitting that job, moving to a new city, or starting your fitness journey. I’m so glad you’re here!

How it Began

I was a staff med tech specializing in microbiology for 2.5 years before I decided to take the leap and start my travel med tech journey. I’m from a very small, one stoplight town, and I took a staff job an hour from where I grew up. The very IDEA of moving to a new city on my own was daunting to say the least. I hadn’t traveled far from home up to that point, and I had never traveled alone. BUT I had always wanted to travel away from my hometown and experience new cities, and I had a feeling that if I didn’t full send it, I’d never leave. So, I took the leap. And I’m so glad I did.

Where am I now?

I’ve been a travel med tech for a little over 2 years now, and what an experience it’s been. I’ve taken 5 contracts in 5 different locations over these past 2 years including Chicago, Boston, Nashville, Jackson Hole, and Austin. I’m SO grateful for the opportunity to travel to the places I never thought I’d visit, let alone live!

My Fitness Story

I grew up an athlete. I was a gymnast for 8 years, played basketball, softball, volleyball, and ran track and cross-country between the ages of 5 and 17. Throughout, and following, university, I enjoyed bodybuilding and crossfit. Safe to say, I’ve always been interested in fitness and nutrition. Throughout my fitness journey, I’ve experienced both acute and chronic injuries, and I’ve learned how to safely train with, and rehab, those injuries. Learning how to properly overcome those obstacles led to me wanting to help others safely pursue their own fitness goals! So, I took another leap and became a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I’ve always been passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, and I want to help others do the same!

For more fitness tips and motivation, follow me on instagram @pshrivefit !

If you’re interested in receiving 1:1 Online Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching from me, click the link below to schedule a free consultation call!

1:1 Online Coaching Consultation

Why ‘Five Horizon’?

I chose the name ‘Five Horizon’ for a few reasons:

1- The #5- I’ve always been partial to the number five. So when I discovered the significance behind it as an Angel Number, I was shocked to discover how much I related to its ideology. The angel number 5 is said to symbolize positive change, freedom, opportunity, independence, progress, health and vitality, and travel and adventure. Characteristics that all resonate deeply with me.

2- Horizon- The stars, sunrises and sunsets, city skylines, rainbows, bluebird days, storm clouds, and looking out across the ocean towards the horizon are all small experiences that make me genuinely happy. Combined with the concept that change, opportunity, your ideal life, and the happiness that you’re chasing are all on the horizon, ‘Five Horizon’ was created.


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