New Year’s is approaching, and we all know what that means- New Year’s Resolutions. You know, the goals you set yourself on December 31 that you stick to for a few weeks- maybe a few months- and then slowly forget about or become too busy to continue? Those are the ones!
We’ve all been there. We all know what the gym looks like the first week of January. Super crowded with people that mean well and are “going to take the gym seriously this year”, but always fall off of the wagon a few short weeks in.
What if I told you there’s a reason they don’t stick to their goals, and there’s a way to set YOUR fitness goals so you’ll stick to them all year long? Keep reading to find out how!
Don’t Miss Out!
Check out my latest fitness posts!
- How to Stay Guilt-Free this Holiday Season
- 24 Gift Ideas for the Gym Enthusiast in your Life
- 6 Weight Lifting Myths Debunked
- Free Weights vs. Machines: Which is More Effective?
- 3 Reasons You’re not Progressing in the Gym
- How to Start, and get Comfortable, at the Gym when you have Gymtimidation
1. Write Them Down
Perhaps the most important part of setting new, attainable goals you’re actually going to accomplish, is to simply write them down. This may seem stupid or pointless. It may make the goal seem scary and more real. But taking that first step and physically putting the goal onto paper not only gives you something tangible to look at and refer back to, but it also encodes that goal into your brain, intentioning your thoughts to become focused on achieving success.
2. Make Them Specific
Specify EXACTLY what you want to accomplish. Unspecified goals can muddy the water when it comes to figuring out the action(s) to take to achieve them. Be specific enough that you can create a game plan that’s easy to track and measure.
Instead of goals like ‘be more fit’ or ‘run more’, try something more specific.
- “I will go to the gym for 45 minutes, 3 times a week, for the next 6 weeks.”
- “I will run a sub-10 minute mile in the next 2 months.”
- “I will lose 10 lbs of fat in the next 8 weeks.”
3. Make Them Measurable
One of the biggest motivators in continuing to pursue your goals is to see the progress you’re making towards accomplishing them. It’s not always easy to see our own progress adequately; we’re too close. This is why it’s important to track your goals over time. Specifying time, weight, and other metrics can allow you to track your progression.
- “I will add 10 lbs to my squat in the next 6 weeks.”
- “I will perform 5 unassisted, strict pull-ups in 2 months.”
4. Make Them Achievable
This is where goals can fall off. Big ideas pop in your head and when you don’t quickly accomplish them, you become discouraged and simply up and quit. Don’t burn yourself out by chasing a goal that is too ambitious (for now) and set a smaller goal for yourself! Stay in your lane. This is your fitness journey not someone else’s.
An example of an unrealistic goal would be a non-runner wanting to run a marathon in 2 months. Instead of setting yourself up for failure, try something smaller and more attainable like running a 5k in 2 months instead! You can work up to the marathon!
5. Give Yourself a Timeframe
Timeframes give you a deadline providing the brain with a sense of urgency towards accomplishing your goals. The ‘that’s future me’s problem’ mentality will lead to procrastination and failure. Don’t let that happen to you!
Example: “I’d like to lose 10 lbs.” vs “I will lose 10 lbs of fat in 8 weeks.”
6. Set Small Goals Within the Larger Goal
Setting big goals can seem daunting and impossible, but that’s not always true. Breaking the goal down into parts not only seems less intimidating, but it allows you to see your progress by accomplishing one thing at a time!
Example Goal: “I will add 20 lbs to my squat in 4 weeks”
This is a great goal that you can easily break down into smaller parts:
“I will add 5 lbs to my squat in week 1.”
“I will add 5 lbs to my squat in week 2.”
7. Track Progress and Adjust Accordingly
Not only does tracking your goals allow you to measure your progress, it also allows you to see where you may be struggling. Pay attention to this information and make adjustments as needed! Have you noticed that 5 days a week at the gym is too much and you’re becoming burnt out? Try scaling it back to 3 or 4 days and changing up your workouts a little! You have control over how to accomplish your goals, so be sure you’re setting yourself up for success!
8. Celebrate Your Wins
Don’t forget to be kind to yourself and celebrate the milestones you hit along the way. You’re doing hard things, don’t forget to celebrate the small victories. This is a great way to avoid burnout and stay motivated!
9. Understand That Life Happens
Life happens. To all of us. Don’t let this deter you from chasing your goals. One of my favorite phrases is “everything is figure-out-able”. You CAN do hard things.
While it might not seem like the perfect time to start working towards a new goal, there will never be the perfect time. Just start! You got this.
Thanks for reading! I hope what you learned in this post allows you to set goals you’ll finally be able to achieve! Don’t forget to subscribe below to be notified when new posts go live!